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Comentarios (4)

Vincent - 17 Septiembre 19:25

Zona: Sagrada Familia (Barcelona).

Sottosanti - 15 Septiembre 18:53

Talk About Pop Music birp! Test sample!

Colasamte - 29 Diciembre 20:07

It's time for reparations don't u think give us your wives and impregnate them

Hafen - 28 Octubre 20:37

Hey Dr Doe! (And YouTube comment-readers! I've noticed that in a lot of your videos you use inclusive and correct language, using more terms about (for example vulvas and penises than about men and women's genitals. This makes sense, because of men with vulvas, women with penises, other trans/nonbinary people, people with an intersex condition meaning they may have any range of genitalia and biological sex set-ups, and so on.

John - 4 Marzo 07:54

That asshole was made to lick and fuck. The only thing to make her perfect would be if she grew her bush back.

Admin - 19 Enero 19:10

What is speedbaging? 0.o

Petronila - 24 Junio 14:40

I like how she has a list of potential targets ready to go. breasts, face, neck, back, bed post, ear, book shelf, chandelier, the '87 Denver Broncos,