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Comentarios (4)

Vowles - 13 Febrero 10:12

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Jorge - 19 Enero 10:06

El templo de la virgen del Rosario se construyó bajo la dirección de frailes dominicos en el año de

Carol - 4 Abril 14:35

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Cipkowski - 2 Febrero 19:53

It shouldn't matter if you're dating a boy or a girl, but that doesn't mean you erase your partners gender. like, you wouldn't use neutral pronouns if they were in the room or part of the conversation and using neutral pronouns robs the opportunity to let people know that you are dating a one way right now but you're still bi.

Chae - 10 Diciembre 21:08

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Sweatmon - 20 Febrero 22:46

Q: I've heard that by 16 lots of girls have had sex and I'm not really interested in anyone I know so I thought I'd try to orgasim on my own.

Pasty - 23 Abril 17:00

I think a possible con would be the sheer length of the new terminology. Acronyzing would possibly create confusion, but this is probably just something that would take time to iron out.